
Moussaka, Tsatsiki, Suzukakia, Saganaki, Kleftiko, Stifado

How to be the person who first gets into the Greek tavern? What to order? What to eat? When they bring the Greek menu, there is nothing clear there! Moussaka, Tsatsika, Suzukaka, Saganaki, Kleftiko, Stifado - hell break my head, but I want to eat! We will sort it all on the shelves and go through the main Greek dishes and snacks. Now you will know exactly what to order in a Greek tavern!
Only vegetables, feta and olive oil, nothing superfluous - and it turned out an excellent, tasty, healthy and very simple dish, known to the whole world as "Greek salad". According to one of the legends, the Greek salad was invented by the owners of the taverns, as a very fast and simple dish that had to be served to hungry tourists while the main hot dish was being prepared. There was no time to tinker with a shred of vegetables and mixing of lettuce and greens, so they cut large and served without interfering. The tradition has taken root and now - this is the main feature of Greek salad.
Moussaka is probably the main hot Greek dish! By the quality of the moussacks, in principle, you can evaluate the quality of any Greek tavern. What is moussaka? Moussaka is such a multi-layered eggplant and meat (or minced meat) casserole baked with bechamel sauce and topped with cheese crust. The whole thing is baked in the stove or oven and served in deep clay plates. Each cook has its own mousaki recipe. Sometimes they add potatoes, somewhere they can add mushrooms, somewhere tomatoes, somewhere they use beef, and somewhere mutton. Try it, it is very tasty (and very satisfying)!
Dzadziki - the main cold appetizer, without which no Greek will sit at the table. In many taverns it is served without asking. Dzadziki is such a thick yogurt with garlic and ground cucumber, which is spread on bread like butter and eaten. Sometimes dzadziki served as a sauce for some meat dishes. This dish came to Greece from Turkey, where it is called jajik.
Important advice
Portions in Greece are very big!
One serving in a normal tavern is enough for two, so take 1 salad - for two, 1 hot - for two, snacks - also for two, and if you want meze - ask about its size - maybe enough for four.
Souvlaki are small skewers on wooden skewers. As a rule, souvlaki are made from chicken, less often from lamb or pork, and for tourists they are made even from fish. The meat is cut into slices, marinated in a sauce, then dressed in skewers and cooked either over the fire, or in a pan, or in the oven. Souvlaki turn out to be quite dry, so they must be served with a sauce, such as yoghurt tzatziki. Souvlaki is considered a "Greek fast food", and it is prepared in all fast food restaurants in Greece.
The use of coffee for most Greeks is a favorite habit, a daily ritual, the main addiction. Enjoying coffee for almost the entire adult population of Greece - and not just the adult - is an integral part of life.
Drink "Uzo" piles in pure form, or diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. When diluted, it becomes cloudy, but it becomes much softer in taste. So you can better feel the complexity of the taste composition. Undiluted, it burns. This vodka is very cunning. You can drink it and feel completely sober, but when you decide to get up and walk, it turns out that you do not really own the body. This feature of her should be aware of, so as not to be mistaken.
The name of the variety is translated from Greek as "resin" - the drink really has a distinct tar taste and aroma. Previously, "pine tears" fell into alcohol by accident - when the amphora was clogged, and then the wine came into contact with the tarred plug and took over the smell. Today, in order to achieve the desired organoleptic characteristics, Aleppo pine resin is added specifically at the fermentation stage.
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